Tohken Thermo (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “This Company”) is aware of the significance of information that can identify individual customers (hereinafter “Personal Information”), and in protecting such Personal Information, complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, etc., as well as adheres to the following Privacy Policy for thorough management so as to provide a sense of security to our customers.
The name and address of the business operator handling Personal Information
Company name: Tohken Thermo?(Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Address: No.39,Tian’edang Road,Wangshan Industry Park, ?Wuzhong Economic Development Zone,Suzhou,China.
Personal Information
Personal Information is defined as information that can identify individuals such as names and e-mail addresses provided upon using inquiry forms, entry forms, etc. on this website, records and data such as birthdays linked to such information.
It is not necessary to provide names and other Personal Information when only accessing this website for viewing.
Proper acquisition of Personal Information
When acquiring Personal Information, we will clearly indicate the purposes of utilization.
When obtaining Personal Information from a third party, we will do so in a proper manner, such as by purchasing from a business operator complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Utilization and provision of Personal Information
Personal Information held by this website may be provided to a third party only in the following cases.
- When there is prior consent of the owner of information.
- When legal and official request has been made by a public institution (courts, police, etc.)
- When a company commissioned by us requires the Personal Information for the purpose of providing services to our users.
(However, such companies may not utilize such Personal Information outside of the scope of the purposes of utilization.)
Procedures for disclosure, correction, termination of use, etc.
Upon request from the owner of the information, all Personal Information will be deleted and future use will be terminated.
Management of Personal Information
Personal Information will be managed appropriately and carefully; we will prevent loss, damage, tampering, leakage, etc., as well as take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information, etc.
This Privacy Policy for Personal Information protection will be continuously revised so as to improve upon the measures taken to protect your information.
About cookies
A cookie is a technology used to enhance the utility of this website.
It does not collect Personal Information of the users.
About the access log
Information on when the users accessed this website from which domain is saved in the web server of the server company commissioned by this website. The access log is used for analysis in order to take web server statistics; it will not be used for any other purpose.
Inquiries, questions, etc.
Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding this Policy using our Inquiry Form
or by phone (0512)6658-5978.